A nonprofit project to reduce food waste in society

In 2020/2021, as part of the Digitechnikum program of the Polytechnische Gesellschaft Foundation (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main), I was offered the opportunity to engage in a larger computer science project with a social impact. Together with three other people, we worked on the "ScanEat" project for almost a year, with the goal of reducing food waste in society.

My task was to develop the most important component of the project, the app. Together with the Raspberry Pi (another component of the project), the app allows users to obtain information about the food in their refrigerator, generate shopping lists automatically, and send reminders when food exceeds its expiration date. Additionally, the app provides information about the origin of the food and the sustainability of the packaging.

Here is the source code of the app that I developed for the project: https://github.com/Felischwarz/ScanEatApp_Flutter

(older version: https://github.com/Felischwarz/ScanEatApp_Xamarin)

For more information about the Digitechnikum program and our project, please visit the following links: